Frequently Asked Questions

Below we’ve provided a bit of PNWR Token. If you have any other questions, please get in touch using the contact form below.

What is PNWR Crypto?

PNWR Token is your Gateway to Secure Investments in Sustainable Growth. PNWR Token stands out as a security token uniquely backed by equity in two promising, high-growth revenue-generating green manufacturing startups. What sets PNWR apart is its exclusive backing by real, tangible assets - these startups boast fully developed technology, proven product-market fit, and are poised to generate an impressive fourfold increase in revenue with exponential growth on the horizon.

You can make a purchase using any internationally accepted currency.

Once PNWR period is launched, You can purchased Token with any internationall accepted currency.

PNWR Token Token entitles investors to 16% of net profit from Panhwar Auto and Panhwar Jet, proportional to their wallet size.